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Services - Databases

MySQL and PostgreSQl
MySQL and PostgreSQL are open source fully functional and relational databases that are freely available for the Linux and Windows platforms.
They have a rich transaction set and are known for their integrity and reliability. These databases are used as the backend database for many web sites, web frameworks like WordPress, and web applications. S.E.S., Inc. has designed, written, and deployed several web based applications using these databases for our customers.

MS Access
Microsoft Access is a small database environment that has several applications already written in its technology. It is often possible to modify the application if a customer needs to make changes with a program. S.E.S. can address your application needs or help you with converting data from an Access database into another database technology.

Progress is a moderately priced, proprietary database with accounting, ERP, and several other applications. Obtaining the original source code (usually available at an extra cost) makes the application customizable to the unique needs of a specific business. S.E.S. Inc. has customized Progress applications for several customers—contact us to see how we can help with your Progress modification requests.

ISAM and Text Data Files
ISAM (Indexed sequential access method) is an older technology for storing data in an indexed format. S.E.S., Inc. is experienced with several different formats of ISAM files and can often pull out data, or dump this data in order to transfer or convert to other formats or relational databases.

Text data files, like .csv or .txt, are often used by companies that allow data to be downloaded from a website, such as daily bank transactions. These files are also used to exchange data between companies, such as invoice data, report outputs, etc. S.E.S., Inc. has several tools that enable us to manipulate the data into whatever format your applications may require for importing data. This will often offload daily routine tasks that many departments that are currently doing manual entry.

Site by Shannon Mølhave